Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I spent time recently with a lovely lady whose entire house is like a collector's gallery.  I got to thinking about what we collect in life.  We collect things, we collect experiences, we collect thoughts, we collect beliefs, we collect habits, and we collect intentional actions, or karmic influences on the world.

I personally have collected many different kinds of things and experiences in life, from African memorabilia to crochet patterns to travel experiences in many countries around the world. 

I have also noticed that, in years past, I have collected negative thought patterns and a general lack of faith that I have worked very hard to change so that I think more positively and trust more fully in the goodness of the Universe.

Habits can be very personal, but we all have at least preferences for how we live our daily lives, if not downright habits and schedules and routines.  We need to ask ourselves if our habits are life-giving and loving to ourselves as well as to others.

How about our intentional actions and karmic influences on the world around us?  "As you sow, so shall you reap," is a very ancient expression of what we often say now:  "What goes around, comes around."  What kind of actions are we sharing with the world?  Are we being generous, and collecting acts of generosity?  Are we being kind, and collecting kindness?  Are we being considerate, and collecting respect and consideration?  Are we passionately dedicating our lives to making life better for others, and collecting better lives for many people around the world?

What are you collecting today?  What are you collecting in this moment?  What are you collecting with your life?  May you be blessed by all the collections with which you fill your mind, your home, and your life.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Love Is All There Is

Sometimes we get caught up in the negativity of life.  Either we catch ourselves thinking negative thoughts, or we hear ourselves expressing negative opinions, or we find ourselves worrying about certain situations in life, or we just plain feel anxious about the future.

If we choose to trust that, ultimately, the Source of the universe is goodness & Love, then we can choose love over fear.  In every moment, we either choose and trust love, or we feel fear, doubt, and uncertainty. 

Occasional doubt and uncertainty can be just part of a process of discovering how to move closer to love, but we can also get stuck there, and let fear creep in.  Instead, we need to choose love, because, ultimately, love is all there is.

The universe is created from, out of, by, and through Love.  Everything else is merely a temporary illusion created by fear - either our own fears, or the fears of others. 

When we choose love, we find ourselves in alignment with the forces that create beauty, peace, compassion, and understanding.  When we open ourselves up to love, all these positive processes can not only exist within us as good thoughts and feelings, but also they can be translated into actions of loving kindness, bringing about greater beauty, compassion, kindness, and understanding upon the earth. 

When we are in fear, we are merely asking for more love.  Our words and actions may not directly show it.   It would be so much healthier if, rather than lashing out at someone else with unkind words or actions, we could just say, "I feel hurt or afraid, and I need more love." 

Actually, we can do this inwardly, asking our Divine Source to fill us with the love we seek.  When we all learn to draw unconditional love into ourselves directly, and then into our lives, this world will begin more closely to resemble the lasting love which exists as its very foundation for being.

Love is all there is; everything else is merely illusion created by fear.  So, in this moment, and in each moment, why not choose love?

Light & love to you,

Friday, October 28, 2011

Seasonal Lights

As fall colors beautify the landscape at this time of year, we are reminded to perceive past the material beauty to the breathtaking reflection of light in its many, varied colors.  We also reflect light in our own unique hues.

Just like the fall leaves, we are here to reflect light, to beautify the earth, and to become part of something greater than ourselves that, as a whole, is so much more inspiring than we ourselves can become by ourselves.

As you see fall colors,  what color do you find yourself reflecting to others in your life?  What is the source of light in you?  What beauty do you bring to the world?  What beauty do you see and join into around you? 

You are part of the symphony of the landscape of this world.  When we allow light and love to flow through us, we become one with the beauty all around us.  May your day be filled with both inner and outer beauty. 

Light & love to you,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tuning In

It recently occurred to me that we tune into different levels of reality at different times.  There is the eternal reality of unconditional love and Source Wisdom to which we can tune ourselves, but it takes intention and attention to do this in the middle of everyday life.

So often, we are tuned into our own thoughts, perceptions, and feelings.  We may be "watching the world go by," listening to someone else's priorities at work, or tuning ourselves into entertainment in order to "take a break from it all." 

When we focus on tuning in to Source Love and Source Wisdom, we will feel peace and love, and even joy, a secret layer of reality in which we can live while all the world passes by like a surreal play on someone else's stage.  We can also, by intention, channel that peace, love, and joy to others, although they have to be open to receive it. 

Of course, as many masters have already pointed out, it helps if we focus ourselves in present awareness, the NOW as it happens to us, because our Source will keep us protected as we stay tuned in during the current moment of what's happening now. 

Why feel anything else but peace & love & joy?  Does anything really feel better?  Laughter comes easily when we live at this level.  And we also find it easy to laugh at ourselves.  What are you tuning into at any given moment?  To what would you like to tune in? 
In love & light,

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome to Carol's Blog About Spiritual Self-Mastery for True Wellness

Welcome.  We are on a journey.  As others have wisely said, every human being is a spiritual being experiencing a human journey.  On this journey, we have ups and downs in both our inner and outer wellness.  True wellness begins with peace - peace in the mind, peace in the heart, peace in the soul, all of which leads to peace and wellness in the body.

I invite you to come with me on this spiritual journey, uniquely yours, but commonly pursuing love, truth, and greater wellness inside and out.  We are responsible for the journey.  No one else can make this journey for us.  If you are ready to begin, and ready to take charge of your journey, then come on and join us on the journey of love and light!

Peace & love,